
Children 1st@ Bilborough

Jubilee L E A D Academy, Highwood Avenue, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 3AF


Type of Institution



Age group

0-4 years old


Number of places

95 places


Number of staff

Not yet updated


Ofsted Rating




  • The provision is good Pre-school children enter the setting full of chatter and fun.
  • Babies and toddlers are happy to leave their parents and show warm relationships with key staff.
  • Children of all ages thrive in this child-centred and welcoming setting.
  • Children develop good physical skil s.
  • Pre-school children show good hand-to-eye coordination as they rol balls down pipes, aiming to get them into a bucket below.
  • They use a range of wheeled toys confidently.
  • Toddlers develop confidence as they attempt simple obstacle courses while babies skilfully pull themselves up to standing using wel -placed furniture in and around the baby room.
  • Pre-school children are enthusiastic and display high levels of engagement and cooperation.
  • They listen attentively to staff and follow instructions wel .
  • For example, after drawing pictures of their favourite pet, staff extend this activity by encouraging children to make 'medicine' for their pets.
  • Children use pipettes and funnels skilful y to fil bottles with different-coloured liquids.
  • Staff introduce new words, such as 'ingredients' and 'squirt', to extend children's growing vocabulary.
  • Overal , children's good health is promoted wel .
  • They eat a range of home-cooked meals each day that are healthy and nutritious.
  • Children enjoy sitting in social groups for meals.
  • Older toddlers and pre-school children show growing independence and physical skil as they serve themselves and use cutlery wel .
  • What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?n Children of all ages behave wel .
  • Staff ensure children are aware of the 'nurserypromises' and offer gentle reminders should they need to, such as to have 'kind hands and feet', 'listening ears' and quiet voices.
  • Pre-school children are polite and ask their friends, 'Can I borrow the spoon when you have finished, please?' Babies and young toddlers are supported to share resources and are reminded that snatching is not kind.n Staff know the children wel and ensure they offer a broad and balancedcurriculum based on what children know and can do.
  • They reflect the interests of children within their play environments.
  • This leads to children becoming deeply engaged in their learning at times, for example, when they use a whiteboard to make squares and circles.
  • However, sometimes, during planned activities, staff do not focus enough on the intended learning to engage and challenge all children effectively.n The setting promotes inclusive practice.
  • Staff ensure that every child has theopportunity to play and engage with appropriate resources and equipment that reflect their individual needs and cultural heritage.
  • For example, they access books, dol s and play foods from around the world.
  • However, although staff know and understand that some children speak English as an additional

Extract from latest Ofsted Report.


At a glance


Not yet updated


Breedon House Nurseries Limited

Provider type

Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises

Provider subtype

Not yet updated

Local authority


Parliamentary Constituency

Nottingham North

Education Stages

Early years register (0-5 years)
Compulsory childcare register (5-8 years)
Voluntary childcare register (8 years +)

Year Founded


Education Provision

Education Stages

Nursery / Early Years

0 - 3 year olds


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5 Votes


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Staff Information

At a glance


Total number of staff


Number of care staff


Number of support staff


Number of other staff



At a glance
Compare with previous years
Ofsted rating: Good
Last inspection:01/8/2022
View inspection report

Breakdown of Ofsted Rating: 01/8/2022

Food and Hygiene

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  • We invite institutions to add food information that includes options available, food preparation and costs. If you are a nursery or school learn more about how you can enhance your profile on MyEd.
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Sources of Information

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MyEd publishes data from UK Government open data and a variety of trustworthy sources, as well as data supplied directly by nurseries and schools. We make every effort to ensure that this information is published accurately on our site and complies with our guidelines for publication. However, we are reliant on others to produce and publish, or supply, accurate data in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or recency of any data produced or supplied to us by a third party. The information on MyEd should therefore be used as a guide only. Before making a final decision, please confirm the details in question with the relevant institution, if necessary.