
Red Kite Schoolies

Knaresborough Cricket Club, Aspin Lane, HG5 8EP


Type of Institution



Age group

- years old


Number of places

Not yet updated


Number of staff

Not yet updated


Ofsted Rating



  • This provision meets requirements Children are happy.
  • They have fun and thoroughly enjoy their time in the friendly, relaxed and safe environment.
  • Children are eager to join in with a broad range of play opportunities.
  • These are expertly planned by the highly qualified manager, in consultation with staff and children.
  • Children thrive on staff's positive, warm and motivating interactions, for example while creating Easter chick col ages and nests.
  • Staff enhance children's fun and enjoyment with their excel ent enthusiasm.
  • Children behave exceptional y wel and respond positively to staff, who are excel ent role models.
  • They readily fol ow the club rules and are kind, polite and respectful.
  • For example, children listen to one another's answers during an engaging Easter-themed quiz.
  • Children work col aboratively to solve the rhyming clues during an Easter egg hunt.
  • Children take part in expansive activities, designed to foster their social skil s and friendships.
  • For example, they cooperatively play exciting games.
  • They take turns to carefully remove plastic leaves from the tree where a hive sits on top.
  • Children try to avoid any bees tumbling into their tray below, as the aim is to have the least bees at the end of the game.
  • They express sheer delight when the golden bee falls, meaning they can put any existing bees back into the hive.
  • What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?n Staff reinforce the positive attitudes and essential skil s that children require forsuccessful learning in school and beyond.
  • For example, children are very independent and they have a wonderful approach to new experiences.
  • They show sheer enjoyment and concentrate intently during activities.n New children are settled and have secure emotional attachments to staff.
  • However, staff do not routinely gather purposeful information on entry to provide a clearer picture of new children who are not already known to them.n Staff plan activities around extensive topics, to build on children's knowledgeand skil s and complement what they are learning in school.
  • For example, children learn about space and science.
  • As part of this, they create erupting volcanoes using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda and learn about plant science.
  • The manager uses software to create innovative presentations around topics to enrich children's experiences.n Staff help children to learn about diversity in certain respects.
  • For examplechildren learn about different buildings and animals from around the world.
  • However, staff do not expand on children's understanding of people, families and communities beyond their own.n Staff encourage children to have a go during craft activities, while sensitively

Extract from latest Ofsted Report.


At a glance


Not yet updated


Red Kite Day Care Nursery Limited

Provider type

Childcare on non-domestic premises

Provider subtype

Out-of-school day care

Local authority

North Yorkshire

Parliamentary Constituency

Harrogate and Knaresborough

Education Stages

Early years register (0-5 years)
Compulsory childcare register (5-8 years)
Voluntary childcare register (8 years +)

Year Founded


Education Provision

Education Stages

Nursery / Early Years

0 - 3 year olds


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5 Votes


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Staff Information

At a glance


Total number of staff


Number of care staff


Number of support staff


Number of other staff



At a glance
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Ofsted rating:
Last inspection:14/4/2022
View inspection report

Breakdown of Ofsted Rating: 14/4/2022

Food and Hygiene

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  • We invite institutions to add food information that includes options available, food preparation and costs. If you are a nursery or school learn more about how you can enhance your profile on MyEd.
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Sources of Information

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MyEd publishes data from UK Government open data and a variety of trustworthy sources, as well as data supplied directly by nurseries and schools. We make every effort to ensure that this information is published accurately on our site and complies with our guidelines for publication. However, we are reliant on others to produce and publish, or supply, accurate data in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or recency of any data produced or supplied to us by a third party. The information on MyEd should therefore be used as a guide only. Before making a final decision, please confirm the details in question with the relevant institution, if necessary.