
St Olave's Nursery

Church Walk, Streatham Vale, London, SW16 5JH


Type of Institution



Age group

1-4 years old


Number of places

40 places


Number of staff

Not yet updated


Ofsted Rating




  • This provision is good Children skip eagerly into the nursery when they arrive as they are keen to see their friends.
  • They quickly choose their own activities from the wide range of interesting resources available, according to their current interests.
  • Staff take every opportunity to talk with children, extending their knowledge of the world, their mathematical skills and vocabulary.
  • They hold meaningful conversations that challenge children’s thinking by asking questions such as ‘why’ and ‘what will happen if?'The key persons take time to find out about the children's interests and home lives.
  • They use this information sensitively to develop activities which make children feel valued as individuals and promotes respect within the nursery for different cultures.
  • All children make good progress from their starting points as learning is personalised for each child.
  • Those who need additional support are quickly identified and professional help sought promptly when needed.
  • The small staff team work well together and bring a range of skills and strengths to the nursery.
  • The manager monitors provision continuously and immediately tells staff how to improve their practice.
  • This approach ensures teaching is consistently good.
  • It is not yet outstanding because:Reviews of the progress made by specific groups of children are at an early stage of development.
  • The nursery has not succeeded in encouraging all parents to support their children’s learning at home, and accurately recognises this is an area for development.
  • Focused group activities are well-designed to support children's learning but, on occasions, lose their impact for the children they are intended to support, as too many children are allowed to join in.

Extract from latest Ofsted Report.


At a glance


Not yet updated


St Olaves Educational Centre Ltd

Provider type

Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises

Provider subtype

Full day care

Local authority


Parliamentary Constituency

Mitcham and Morden

Education Stages

Early years register (0-5 years)
Compulsory childcare register (5-8 years)
Voluntary childcare register (8 years +)

Year Founded


Education Provision

Education Stages

Nursery / Early Years

0 - 3 year olds


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5 Votes


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Staff Information

At a glance


Total number of staff


Number of care staff


Number of support staff


Number of other staff



At a glance
Compare with previous years
Ofsted rating: Good
Last inspection:18/8/2015
View inspection report

Breakdown of Ofsted Rating: 18/8/2015

Food and Hygiene

No food information available

This institution has not submitted any food information.

  • We invite institutions to add food information that includes options available, food preparation and costs. If you are a nursery or school learn more about how you can enhance your profile on MyEd.
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No food information available


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Sources of Information

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MyEd publishes data from UK Government open data and a variety of trustworthy sources, as well as data supplied directly by nurseries and schools. We make every effort to ensure that this information is published accurately on our site and complies with our guidelines for publication. However, we are reliant on others to produce and publish, or supply, accurate data in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or recency of any data produced or supplied to us by a third party. The information on MyEd should therefore be used as a guide only. Before making a final decision, please confirm the details in question with the relevant institution, if necessary.