
Waterfall House Bespoke Daycare

223 Tooting High Street, SW17 0TD


Type of Institution



Age group

- years old


Number of places

45 places


Number of staff

Not yet updated


Ofsted Rating




  • The provision is good Changes made to arrival procedures due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic mean that parents no longer go inside the nursery.
  • Children have successfully adapted to this change in routine and enter happily and with confidence as they are greeted by their own key person.
  • Staff make time to talk to parents and carers, so essential information can stil be shared, and parents continue to feel included in their child's day.
  • Children settle quickly into the daily routine and engross themselves in play.
  • This includes children who are new to the setting.
  • Children listen to staff and each other wel .
  • They are excited to learn and join in activities.
  • Children wil ingly share resources and listen to each other.
  • They chat confidently to staff and easily access resources that reflect the community and the wider world.
  • Staff are good role models.
  • They take part in children's play and offer ideas to extend their learning.
  • For example, when children talk about driving on the motorway, while playing with the dough.
  • Staff provide a bridge to help extend children's imagination.
  • They constantly talk to the children and ask older children questions.
  • This helps them recall and build on their memory skil s to share their knowledge of how they made the dough earlier that morning.
  • All children are gaining good skil s for the future.
  • What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?n Staff focus attention on children's personal, social, and emotional development.
  • They offer praise and reassurance as children play.
  • Children's efforts are celebrated as they are encouraged to try and complete tasks independently, such as cutting out their own star shapes and cleaning their nose with tissue.
  • Behaviour is good.
  • Staff gently remind children about listening, taking turns, and sharing, which helps them understand how to play alongside others.n The manager is very experienced, which gives her a firm knowledge of thenursery curriculum and the activities on offer cover the seven areas of learning.
  • However, staff do not sharply focus on the learning opportunities during some planned activities.
  • This means that, occasionally, these activities do not maximise learning opportunities for all children.n Parents speak highly of the team and strongly recommend the nursery.
  • They saytheir children love attending the nursery.
  • Many parents comment on the strong communication between themselves, the manager, and staff.
  • They appreciate staff's knowledge and understanding of children's interests and attitudes.
  • Staff use the detailed information parents provide about children's interests, skil s, and knowledge wel .
  • These are used with their observation of each child to plan precisely for future learning.
  • Parents welcome the useful information they regularly receive on their children's progress.
  • They particularly appreciate the support they have received during the pandemic.

Extract from latest Ofsted Report.


At a glance


Not yet updated


Waterfall House Bespoke Daycare Ltd

Provider type

Childcare on non-domestic premises

Provider subtype

Full day care

Local authority


Parliamentary Constituency


Education Stages

Early years register (0-5 years)
Compulsory childcare register (5-8 years)
Voluntary childcare register (8 years +)

Year Founded


Education Provision

Education Stages

Nursery / Early Years

0 - 3 year olds


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5 Votes


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Staff Information

At a glance


Total number of staff


Number of care staff


Number of support staff


Number of other staff



At a glance
Compare with previous years
Ofsted rating: Good
Last inspection:04/8/2021
View inspection report

Breakdown of Ofsted Rating: 04/8/2021

Food and Hygiene

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  • We invite institutions to add food information that includes options available, food preparation and costs. If you are a nursery or school learn more about how you can enhance your profile on MyEd.
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MyEd publishes data from UK Government open data and a variety of trustworthy sources, as well as data supplied directly by nurseries and schools. We make every effort to ensure that this information is published accurately on our site and complies with our guidelines for publication. However, we are reliant on others to produce and publish, or supply, accurate data in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or recency of any data produced or supplied to us by a third party. The information on MyEd should therefore be used as a guide only. Before making a final decision, please confirm the details in question with the relevant institution, if necessary.