
Pound Hill Toybox Playgroup

Wakehams Green Community Centre, Wakehams Green Drive, RH10 3NU


Type of Institution



Age group

- years old


Number of places

24 places


Number of staff

Not yet updated


Ofsted Rating




  • The provision is good Children thoroughly enjoy the sessions at pre-school.
  • They arrive in the morning with optimism, enthusiasm and anticipation for what they plan to do.
  • Children form positive relationships with the staff and make friends easily.
  • Every child is valued, and staff work hard to make sure each child achieves wel .
  • Children who need extra support make good progress and any gaps in their learning quickly close.
  • Children develop good levels of independence.
  • They learn to recognise their name as they self-register on arrival.
  • They understand that their opinions are important to staff and confidently share their ideas.
  • Children begin to manage their feelings wel .
  • Staff use creative ways to help children understand their different emotions.
  • For example, they use different colours to describe how they are feeling, based on the popular story of 'The Colour Monster'.
  • Staff respond to this wel and help children learn how to manage their behaviour and actions.
  • Children learn how to play safely.
  • They recognise potential risks and take care of themselves wel .
  • Children behave wel .
  • They follow simple rules and learn how to respect and value the needs of others.
  • Children's family traditions are respected.
  • Every child's home life is celebrated.
  • Children learn the importance of valuing the similarities and differences between themselves.
  • What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?n The curriculum is planned wel .
  • It offers a broad range of rich, exciting activitiesboth inside and outside.
  • Children consistently develop new skil s and build on their existing knowledge.
  • Staff plan activities they know wil interest children.
  • For example, one child's excitement about the holiday he had been on prompted staff to create a wel -resourced, inviting role play airport and beach area for the children.
  • This enabled children to play imaginatively and recal favourite experiences.n Teaching is consistently good.
  • Staff are highly qualified and develop their skil sthrough extensive ongoing training.
  • They tune in to what children are doing and saying and support learning wel .
  • For example, when children showed interest in looking at the numbers on a toy clock, staff turned this into a game and helped children to recognise and learn to write different numerals.n The pre-school manager is a strong leader.
  • She supports her staff wel andactively encourages them to continue their professional development.
  • For example, two staff members are studying for a foundation degree.
  • The manager works highly effectively with parents and any other agencies involved in children's care and learning.
  • This ensures any important information is always shared and understood.n Children develop positive attitudes towards learning as staff make it enjoyable.

Extract from latest Ofsted Report.


At a glance


Not yet updated


Pound Hill Pre-School Committee

Provider type

Childcare on non-domestic premises

Provider subtype

Sessional day care

Local authority

west sussex

Parliamentary Constituency


Education Stages

Early years register (0-5 years)
Compulsory childcare register (5-8 years)
Voluntary childcare register (8 years +)

Year Founded


Education Provision

Education Stages

Nursery / Early Years

0 - 3 year olds


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5 Votes


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Staff Information

At a glance


Total number of staff


Number of care staff


Number of support staff


Number of other staff



At a glance
Compare with previous years
Ofsted rating: Good
Last inspection:30/6/2021
View inspection report

Breakdown of Ofsted Rating: 30/6/2021

Food and Hygiene

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  • We invite institutions to add food information that includes options available, food preparation and costs. If you are a nursery or school learn more about how you can enhance your profile on MyEd.
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MyEd publishes data from UK Government open data and a variety of trustworthy sources, as well as data supplied directly by nurseries and schools. We make every effort to ensure that this information is published accurately on our site and complies with our guidelines for publication. However, we are reliant on others to produce and publish, or supply, accurate data in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or recency of any data produced or supplied to us by a third party. The information on MyEd should therefore be used as a guide only. Before making a final decision, please confirm the details in question with the relevant institution, if necessary.